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Download Meter Pro - Install and Forget Download Protection Script

Download Meter - Track Your Downloads The Amazing, Install and Forget Script That Can Double Your Profits - In Seconds! Download Meter actually perform......

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Download Meter Pro - Install and Forget Download Protection Script

The Amazing, Install and Forget Script That Can Double Your Profits - In Seconds!

Download Meter actually performs three vital functions, Read More to discover why You shouldn't be without it. . .

These days selling any kind of digital product online can be tough.

Even giving away free ebooks isn't as easy as it used to be, so when a new product comes along that offers a helping hand you've got to grab it fast.

If you've been selling online for any length of time I'm sure you will have come across the "Digital Product Thief" Sadly it happens all too often but some unscrupulous customers will buy your product and then go off and tell the world about your download URL - It Sucks! Sometimes it may cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars in lost revenue before you realise what's been happening.

Do You Know How Many People Are Really Downloading Your Digital Products?

Download Meter can alert you to this immediately - simply login to the password protected control panel and you can monitor exactly how many times each of your products have been downloaded.

Knowing this important fact alone could save you plenty but Download Meter goes one step further. It silently tracks the location that the download requests come from - You can catch the thieves in the act.

But download tracking is vital for another reason too.

Maybe you actually give away free products? Ebooks or PDF files, trial software etc. With Download Meter's tracking facility you can see at a glance where your leads are coming from - Simply use this information to identify where your promotions have been successful and equally where they haven't.

It can save you hours trawling through your site logs.

I guess you already understand the benefits this software delivers but I've saved the best feature of Download Meter till last. . .

Have you ever downloaded products from the really big players such as Microsoft or Download.Com?

If you have then you've seen the way these sites promote a secondary product or advertisement to you once your download begins.

You see a new screen that says something along the lines of:

"Please wait while the file begins to download - while your waiting why not check out. . . Product Y"

Why do they do this?

Simply because it makes them thousand and potentially hundreds of thousands of Dollars in secondary (backend) income.

This is a tried and tested strategy that works and if you really want to make money online you should be using this strategy too -

Download Meter does this for you. You will be able to quickly set up a 'download starting' page from the template provided and use it to promote your other products, your newsletter or even an affiliate program - it can literally double your profits automatically.

This Is What Download Meter Pro Does:

Accurately Monitors The Number Of Downloads From Your Site.

Silently Tracks The Location That The Download Request Comes From.

Automatically Promotes Your Backend Product Offers, Affiliate Programs or Newsletters.


Download Meter Pro Comes With:

* Resellers Site.

* Thank You Download Page.

* Install Instructions

* Professionally Designed Graphics.

* Master Resell Rights.



You have full Master Resell Rights


[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.


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