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Geek Download Store

Excellent download store script,this script allows others to sell digital products in your download store and you take commisions on every sale they make.

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Geek Download Store - (MRR)

The Ultimate Digital Product Vending System Script.

DOWNLOAD GEEK X allows you to open up your own software shopping center, software creators come to your site and sign up to sell the products using your digital product shopping cart and auto download system and you get a percent of every sale the vendors make from your site.

Im not going to bore you with some long technical sales page so Im going to get to the important part of this script THE ENGINE, also known as THE

Admin Area At A Glance:

* Settings:
In this section you can update your admin user name, password, email (this email is used to send emails to users), paypal id (here you receive money from buyers).

From here you can also add OFF-SITE Scripts.
These scripts are added only by admin and they are hosted on other websites.

They will be listed in OFF-SITE categories Manage categories:
Here you can ADD/REMOVE/MOVE/RENAME categories.

* Manage sellers or buyers:
You can update/remove seller and buyer information. You can also send them email. You can send email to one user, to all users or to some selected users.

* Setup commisions:
The fee that will be taken from each script that will be sold.

* Manage off-site scripts:
You can update or remove the OFF-SITE scripts.

* Manage sellers scripts:
You can update or remove the scripts added by sellers.

* Approve/not approve scripts:
After a seller adds a new script you need first to review the script.
If you want you can approve or remove it. After you approve it the user will receive email notification and the script will be visible in his

* Withdrawals:
From here you can see the user and PayPal email of the users that just withdrew their money. You can go to paypal, transfer the money to their paypal email and then come back to this page to press Paid button.

* Transfer money:
After a product is sold you will receive the money from paypal on your admin paypal id. You have to complete the fields and press transfer. When you transfer money the seller receives an email and the fee is taken. The seller receives all of this information.

* Send email to users:
View all communications: You can see/delete all communications
between users.

Retail Value: $397.00


You have full Master Resell Rights


[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.


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