Live Assist live support chat system - (MRR)
Live Assist live support chat system with all source files
The Live Support Chat System enables you to get a instant messaging chat system
integrated into your own website.
It is jam packed with features, and is incredibly easy to use.
Features listed below, although its best to have a look and see what you think!
Can be used with prism, no need for a browser!
Prism is a standalone app that allows you to load web pages inside a application
interface, so you can run live support without needing a broswer open Features
* Unlimited number of active conversations ( limited by server performance only )
* Audio and visual alerts on new messages.
* add extra users to the admin section.
* Built in contact form for when no agents available.
* Ajax powered.
* Fully configurable from the admin panel, no tweaking code required.
* Automated sign off if you close your browser without signing off
many more!
Requires Javascript enabled browser – Does not degrade
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