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Pro Advanced Short URL Script

This software is most advanced short URL script on the market. Software requires PHP and MySQL with optional mod_rewrite support....

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Pro Advanced Short URL Script - (MRR)

Main features of short URL script:

Easy to install:
Copy to server, change 4 lines in config file, upload
database - and you'll have site up and running.

Easy to manage:
Powerful admin panel with almost hundred parameters +
wysiwyg pages and navigation editor.

Easy to control:
Ban IP addresses, ban users, prohibit e-mail and URL
domains, delete links by domain and users' IP addresses and/or IDs.

Easy to translate:
All language data for visitors' interfaces separated
from code and complete translation to new languages takes about 2 hours
(via admin interface) + possible multi-language support (via customization).

Advanced Short URL Script Features:

2 ways visitors authorization - based
on IP address + usual login/password.

Profiles handling system - registration, e-mail confirmation, password remind
facility, secure passwords handling, change e-mail/password facility with
re-confirmation, etc.

* AJAX interface.

* Bulk URL shortening.

* Password-protected URLs.

* Temporary URLs.

* Custom tags.

Custom tags for bulk URLs (automatically assigned tags like tag1, tag2, tag3
and so on

Redirects statistic - referer domain, referer page, visitor's IP (+ link to
geographical information about each visitor
), date.

URLs and hits statistics can be seen even without registration (IP-based

Delayed, instant and framed redirects (both top and bottom frames supported).

Third level domains based redirects support (on demand).

Spam protection: 1 second timeout between submissions from same IP address
(can be amended).

Spam protection: same URLs submitted from same user will have same shortened
tag (unless user wants custom tag).

registered users: edit/delete URLs.

Admin: instant, delayed (middle page with ads) or framed redirects - can be
changed via interface.

Newest Features:

Possibility to hide direct hits in statiscitcs module (usually these hits produced by search bots).

Admin: mass upload URLs from file.

Browse and download URLs in CSV format by file name and/or batch (short tag)
name ("all URLs with afiiliate-one batch or from affiliate-links.csv file").

Site block both target and refering domains (admin may stop all redirects to
certain domain + all traffic from certain domain

Twitter and Pownce browser buttons.

Export links to CSV file.

Optimized SQL to browse millions of hits statistic.


You have full Master Resell Rights


[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.


If you require professional script installation or script modification
on other scripts or script repair please contact at:

Reliable Low cost Web hosting.
Global Hits Hosting



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