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Order page magic with - (MRR)

Can You Name this ONE Ultra Simple Marketing Strategy That Increased Sales Up to 41 and Do
You Know Why? Its Not What You Think...! Dear Fellow Markete......

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Order page magic with - (MRR)

Can You Name this ONE Ultra Simple Marketing Strategy That Increased
Sales Up to 41 and Do You Know Why?

Its Not What You Think...!

We've got some killer news that will have you jumping for joy... unless
youre brain dead or in a coma. Ill tell you all about it in just a minute.

You Dont Know It Yet, But in the Next 5 Minutes You Are Going to Learn One
Thing That Will Enable You to Convert More Prospects Into Buyers No Matter
What You Are Selling. Whats More, Theyll Even Thank You For the Opportunity!

Theres no doubt that almost everyone online has heard about Mark Joyner.

But for the few of you who havent Ill tell you a little about his phenomenal

Mark Joyner is one of the absolute most successful Internet marketers ever.

Mark was active on the net long before most of todays other Internet marketers
even knew about it. And there is on doubt that he really knows how to market
and sell on the Internet.

Even though Mark is retired now his tactics remain as some of the most
effective strategies on the net. Marks scientific approach to marketing made
him a huge success and a pioneer in internet marketing.

One of his greatest successes was his site SearchHound, which he built from
scratch, ran on a zero marketing budget, and then sold for $4,000,000
($3,000,000 in cash and $1,000,000 in strike warrants) partly due to the high
traffic it received.

The bottom line - Marks strategies work!

Mark spent years testing and tweaking and then testing some more. This singular
minded path was for one very specific purpose... to increase sales... period -
what else really matters when it comes to the success or your business. Hey its
no mystery that the most successful of marketers in any arena have a well oiled
scientifically developed marketing machine.

You dont just back into success or haphazardly fall into instant riches on the
web or any where else for that matter (Lottery winners and children of the wealthy
perhaps being exceptions). Success is earned. Of course many would-be business
operators and online marketers will completely ignore proven methods of success
and just wing it - blindly hoping that prospects, potential customers and
eventually a multitude of sales will come their way.

Wake the F*#& Up! Its not going to happen, not today, not tomorrow and not any time
in the near or distant future if you dont implement scientifically proven methods
into your marketing plan!

Well Thats Just Great Louis. But I Thought
You Said You Had Some Killer News!

Introducing: OrderPageMagic

What is OrderPageMagic and what can it do for me?

Heres the lowdown. OrderPageMagic is an easy-to-use software program that creates
scientifically proven-to-convert order pages. This is not your run of the mill page
creation software. OrderPageMagic creates custom made pages.

Why should I care about my order page? Isnt the customer already going to buy when
they get there?

Good question...

Although the order form is at the end of your sales copy, it is a vital part of the
web selling process.

This is the last chance you have to turn a prospect into a customer, and every extra
detail should be paid attention to.

Direct mail copywriters such as Ted Nicholas will advise you to write your order form
first before you write anything else. This way, you can create a strong order form that
is full of closing power while youre still hot, rather than write it as an afterthought
when you have depleted yourself of copywriting steam. This is incredibly sound advice
and it carries over to the net. If you build a burning desire to buy in your sales copy
but then fail to effectively close the sale, it does not mean squat... no matter how
good your preceding sales copy is.

Mark Joyner knew this because he scientifically tested to see which strategy worked the best.

Heres exactly what Marks testing taught him...

* How to reassure even the most skeptical of potential customers and increase sales
conversion by up to 27.

* Your customers want to know: What are you selling and how much! The simple strategy
used here exploded Marks conversion rates by as much as 41.

* The sneaky little tactic that gives the potential customer a feeling that there is much
to gain and nothing to lose and how to use it to increase your sales by 22.

* How to use the fear of loss strategy to convert another 36 of those prospects who might
otherwise put off the decision to buy and convert them into paying customers... right now.


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[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.


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