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Member Site Empire

The Power Of Owning Your Own Membership Site? Just 100 Members Paying You $29 Per Month Will Net You A Cool  $2,900 per month (and $34,800 per year). Despite This......

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Member Site Empire - (MRR)

Here is a simple truth that some guru marketers would much rather you did not know...

A Well Run Membership Site Can Make You Richer, Far Faster Than Trying To Sell Just About Anything Else.

This powerful statement is true because membership sites offer something that even big ticket commissions do not - regular, residual income. Month, after month after month. And all without you having to do anything extra.

My name is Tuks Engineer, and before I created my own flagship membership site (about 5 years ago now), I struggled to make even $2,000 per month online. I worked
hard. Some may say exceptionally hard. I listened to the gurus bleat on about ebook creation, marketing, blah blah - but no matter how hard I tried, my income would just not break that income ceiling.

Then I read a book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (a great read, and I urge you to look at it yourself). I realized that working hard was not enough. I realized what I was missing - it was this...

"An income generating asset that would make money regularly without me having to do extra work"

You see, when you sell most things online, you tend to make money only once. You write an ebook - it makes some sales and then unless you keep the hard promotion process
going, those sales will decline. You promote an affiliate program and again you need to promote it hard, and even then you're sending your very best clients to the vendor
of the product. All these things can make you some initial money, but what about the long term? What about a few weeks, months and years down the line? All that effort does
not pay off in the long run!

That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks - I needed a business where I work hard, but where that hard work is rewarded by recurring payments. So that every bit of work I do is rewarded through income that grows and grows as I invest more time and effort into it.

In short, I realized I needed a membership site...

Why Your Own Membership Site Is The Best Business You Can Run On The Net - Hands Down!

If you really want long term wealth through your internet business, then here's why a membership site should be the very first thing you focus your energy on:

* Your Income Grows Every Month, Perpetually - The beauty of owning a membership site is that as you go about  doing the same things as you would working on any other type of business (creating products or promoting affiliate programs) your monthly income goes up. Because, when you add new content to your site, and promote it successfully - your members grow, as will the amount of money that is deposited into your bank account month after month. It's a little like getting a payrise every month.

"When A Member Subscribes To You At $29 Per Month, You Make More Than $29 - If Your Average Member Stays 2 Years (For Example) You Have Made $696 From That One Member. This Is Why Owning A Membership Site Has Been The Secret Money Making Weapon For Many Of The Gurus For A Long Time - Now, You Can Join In!"

You KEEP Your Best Clients & Earn From Additional Promotions - If you're reading this as an affiliate without your own business, take note. When you promote other programs you're sending your best clients to the vendor for free. It's shocking how many people do not get this
(and I can tell you, those people make very little money).

With your own membership site, your members automatically are drawn to your membership site on a regular basis. They want to see what's new, and this gives you a fantastic opportunity to add in targeted CPA offers, additional affiliate programs if you want, Adsense and so on. 

If & When You Decide To Sell Your Membership Site On, You Can Generate Five & Six Figure Sums - Membership sites are complex sites. They aren't static sites, so if you DO make a success of it and you create a member base of a hundred or more paying members - you can make a huge payday by selling it on. For example, the (very generic) rule of thumb for a business is that it may be sold for seven times annual earnings. Now, if you have a membership base of 100 and
they pay you $29 per month each, you would get an income of $34,800. If we apply the seven times rule, you could potentially sell the member site business for a staggering $243,600.

Always have your end goal in mind - setting up a business that has a recurring income element is more valuable than you can possibly imagine.

This isn't a fairy tale book though. You see, there are serious barriers to entry with membership sites, and I'm going to tell you exactly what they are...

The Challenges In Setting Up A Membership Site That Cripple The Chances Of Most People To Climb Aboard The Membersite Gravy Train!

If it were that easy to set-up a membership site, then everyone would be doing it. Every marketer and newbie would have one, and be enjoying residual income. Unfortunately, this is the real world - where anything worth doing usually takes a hell of a lot of time, effort, trial, error
and money!

Here's what you're up against as a potential membership site owner:

Huge Technical Hurdles - This is one of the biggest problems if you're not an expert with programming.
Fact is, membership site software is notoriously tricky to install and configure. Some people have difficulty in setting up a simple website or blog. Well, membership site scripts can be a nightmare, and you usually need to have a fair amount of tech savvy to install, configure and work them correctly.

Most internet marketers and newbies who want a membersite simply do not set one up because they just
cannot get to grips with the technical issues involved.

High Cost Of Reliable Membership Site Software - There are lots of free and low cost scripts that do not work as they should. You can spend countless hours trying to install and work them out, only to realize that they are actually just junk (I've done this, it's painful). And, the scripts that actually do work are usually several hundreds of dollars and are difficult to set up correctly.

You Need To Launch Your Membersite With A LOT Of Pre-existing products/content - Even if you're able to
sidestep the first 2 hurdles, new membership site owners need to understand that clients expect to have PLENTY of content available to them when they first join a membership site. You need to know how to populate your membership site with a high volume of quality content without breaking the bank.

You MUST Be Able To Find Your Prospective Members - Membership site marketing can be tricky. You must know
how to fill your site with paying members quickly. Membership sit marketing is markedly different from
other types of promotion - in fact it's a lot easier if you know the right tricks to use.

You Need To Be Able To Keep Your Membership Site Project Costs DOWN - Membership sites can be a staggering source of money, but they are also more ambitious projects to take on, especially for those who are just starting out on the net. Aside from content and script costs, things like site maintenance, graphics design, copywriting (among others) can QUICKLY add up.  

And, inside this book I'll reveal solutions to every one of these problems!

Inside the 24 Hour Membership Site Empire, you're about to discover the same information, tips, tricks and strategies that have made me a personal fortune with my membership sites. This is powerful information, not available elsewhere - and it has the potential to turn you into a membership site expert, and fast.

What You'll Learn Inside 24 Hour Membership Site Empire - Must Know Information & Strategies To Turn You
Into A Membership Site Expert!

Here's what is included in this powerful package:

* An Introduction To Membership Sites - What membership sites are, and why the author is qualified to talk
about them.

* Why Membership Sites Are The Most VALUABLE Internet Asset You Can Own - An in depth analysis that shows you exactly why your own membership site can be a cash generating MONSTER when you set up correctly.

* Why ONE Member Paying $29 Per Month Is Worth $696 In Cold Hard Cash To You - Why when you understand this simple fact, you'll be rushing to get your own membership site developed asap. Staggering analysis that reveals the true power of what you can earn with a membership site where you're only getting $29 per client
per month!

* How To Set-Up Your Membership Site So That You Can Line Yourself Up For A HUGE Payday Within A Year - Imagine if I told you that one simple membership site could give you a payday of $243,600 within one year. Would you be willing to work at it for a few hours a day? Inside, I'll show you how you can do this.

* The Five Big Membership Site Set-Up Challenges - Most of the people who try to develop member sites fail
miserably. Because, if you get even ONE of these five wrong, your membership site is sunk like a battleship
that's just been hit by a submarine nuke. I'll show you how to be aware of and overcome these challenges.

* How To Find New Content For Your Membersite At Astonishingly Low Cost - New, quality content for your
membership site is key to building a successful, growing membership site. You really need to be on top of this requirement, or you'll never make it big in the membership site game.

* How To Pick A Supremely Profitable Niche For Your Membership Site - Pick the wrong niche, and you're
finished. Some niches are notoriously difficult to attract paid members in. You're looking to build a high profit BUSINESS here, so ensure that you only setup a membership site in a high potential niche. I'll also reveal my favourite niches to setup membership sites for!

* How To Pick A Niche Where Membership Fees Are A Small Part Of Your Total Income - I don't know about you, but $29 per month per client is not spectacular in my eyes. I'll show you how you can use your membership
site as a base to earn HUGE additional fees per member. This is the one secret that 99% of even successful
membership site owners are not doing correctly. Imagine if you could push your average fee per member from $29 to $129 - and imagine if you had only a tiny 100 members in your site. Your membership site would be generating $12,900 each and every month.

* Case Study - Dissecting a perfect membership site.

* 3 Key Features That Every Successful Membership Site Has - Get these three factors right, and your membership site will succeed.

* How To Promote And Get A Flurry Of Traffic & Members To Your Membersite -  Promoting your membership site is important once you have created it. You'll receive a checklist of 8 must-use promotion tactics
to fill your membership site with paying members.

* How To Create Free Videos About Your Membership Site & Submit Them To The Top 13 Video Sharing Sites (Without Paying A Penny)  - The amount of members this one tactic alone can bring in is downright spectacular.

* How To Keep Your Members Happy So They Keep Paying You Month After Month - Tactics that will keep your
members happy, and your membership site rated as number ONE in the industry. Find out the FOUR things you really must do to have a happy membership site base.

* How To Use Your First Membership Site As A Base To Setting Up A Portfolio Of Membership Sites, All Generating Revenues For Your Business - Your first membership site should not be your last. Once you develop one good membership site, you'll learn how to use it as leverage to quickly build & market many more.

* An Incredible Shortcut To Get Your Membership Site Up & Running With Incredible Speed - If you really don't want to address the technical/development issues yourself you'll learn about the biggest secret in the Membership site industry.

Seriously, what would you expect to pay to have an expert reveal their insider secrets to you within themembership site industry? How much would you parlay if you could learn the same tactics that a Membership Site Development Expert has been using since 2005? $997? Perhaps $497?

Fortunately, I really want everyone to be able to set-up and run a quality membership site for themselves, and enjoy the financial rewards that come with it. What's in it for me? In one word, branding. Once people see that I know what I'm talking about, they are more likely to take my advice on other matters too.

That's why I'm willing to giveaway my biggest secrets - including five years of trial & error - for a ridiculous $49!


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