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Ad Management Membership - PHP Script

Ad Management Membership script helps you automate the advertising interface of your site. This script helps you invite advertisers to place their banner ads on your site....

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Ad Management Membership - PHP Script - (MRR)

See Demo

Ad Management script helps you automate the advertising interface of your site.

This script helps you invite advertisers to place their banner
ads on your site.

You can define the different banner display SLOTS and define banner packages for them.

Advertisers can then buy ad packages of their choice through paypal, 2checkout or offline payment methods.

Extensive real time stats enhance the advertisers experience.

Ad Management Membership Site offers you UNBELIEVABLE customizability with ability to change Colors, Fonts directly from your script admin panel.

Why You Need Ad Management PLUS Script?

This script can manage banner/text ads for your site and SAVE a lot of TIME and EFFORT for you. For advertisers, it provides real time stats about their banner display which enables them to know what is working and what is not.

PLUS, it so easily integrates into any existing live site. Color
scheme for the script can be defined from the admin panel.
So, once you set the colors according to the colors of your site it will appear very much part and parcel of your site.

This script offers following advantages:

* Saves a lot of time and effort.
* Converts popularity of your site into revenues by offering advertising opportunities for your visitors.
* Give great experience to your advertisers.
* Automate advertising on your site and generate cash.
* Let Webmasters know that they can advertise with you.

What makes this particular Ad Management Script so special:

* Support for Different Ad Slots.
* Support for Banner ads and text ads.
* Support for Unlimited Ad packages.
* Support for PPM (Pay per impression), PPC (Pay per click) and Time based Ads.
* Real time stats for advertisers.
* Highly configurable display and operational parameters.

Front End Features:

Extensive Real time Ad stats like:

* total/approved/unapproved banners.
* impressions/clicks received.
* click through rates.
* most displayed/clicked ads.
* PLUS day to day tracking of above stats for each banner.
* Support for Different Ad Slots.
* Support for Banner ads and text ads.
* Support for Unlimited Ad packages.
* Support for PPM (Pay per impression), PPC (Pay per click) and Time based Ads.
* Real time stats for advertisers.
* Easy advertiser signup.
* Forgot password section.
* Ad management sections.
* Post new text/banner ads.
* Edit/Remove banners/text ads.
* Banner sizes are controlled by admin.
* Manage advertiser profile.
* Search for approved/unapproved ads.
* Look up for banner ads of a particular size.
* Sorting on clicks/impressions received/date wise.
* Buy ad impressions /clicks.
* Options to pay by paypal, 2checkout or by offline payment methods.
* View payment history.
* Manage profile.
* Change password.
* Forgot password retrieval.
* Very easy to integrate in any running site.
* Completely configurable site colors, icons and graphics.

Admin Panel Features:

* Extensive stats.
* Ad Slots Management.
* Add/Remove/Edit Ad Slots.
* Banner ads Management console.
* Text Ad Management console.
* Approve/disapprove banners.
* Ad packages Management console.
* Add/remove/Modify Ad packages.
* Manage PPM, PPC and Time based Advertising packages.
* Real time stats.
* Highly configurable operational parameters.
* Configurable site display parameters.
* Full control over color scheme.
* Configure Header/Footer of the script.
* Configurable auto generated emails with email templates.
* Cleanup routines.
* Member management console.
* Complete member specific stats.
* View/edit member profile.
* View member specific stats.
* View Member transactions.
* Transaction. `
* Make a transaction.
* Add/edit/remove transactions.
* Ad management console.
* Approve/disapprove ads.
* Manage banner stats.
* Edit / delete advertiser profile.
* Get Code section to get 'cut and paste' code for ad display.
* Management of banner purchase packages.
* Manage allowed banner sizes.
* Option to email all advertiser or a particular advertiser.
* Full control over site color scheme
(directly from admin panel).
* Create / Edit / Save as many color schemes as you like.

See Demo


You have full Master Resell Rights


[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.


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