Welcome to Cash Gifting Pro Script
This site is a Demo Site, The Header, Footer, Background and
Advertising Banners Does Not Come With The Script!

To see members area
User Name: Admin / Password: admin

Admins Login Info: Click here to see admins area
User Name: Admin / Password: admin

Cash Gifting Pro Script - (MRR)

With this script you can start your very own 'EzyCashGifts',
'Abundant Living System', 'The People`s Program'
type program...

Whats new? New cron system that updates the members and
commissions, prunes out old members,
send auto responding email. Global's on or off so this script
should work in about all hosting system that we know of.

Better security to stop hacking and injections.
All the other scripts I see for sale in other download store only
prunes the old members and nothing more.
Earn money for each transaction members are sending in your system!
Members are upgraded automatically through PayPal,Payza IPN feature!
Instant promotional emails can be created in the admin panel!
Main (index), details, faq, contacts, testimonials pages can be
edited instantly from your admin panel!

Administrative Section:

* View/Edit individual member details.
* Date joined
* Username
* Sponsor
* Password
* Account, Alertpay, Paypal, Safepaysolutions Email
* Name
* Membership Level (1,2,3,4,5)
* Administer individual member details.
* Delete Member
* Search members
* View all members,

Edit your porgam details:

* Set an amount of processing fee per transaction
* Set a fee for each membership level
* Add separate downloads for each membership level group
  Comes with (8) downloads (See Below)
* Add unlimited autoresponder messages for Free, Paid or All members
* Email all members at once
* Add/edit members navigation
* View/pay commissions

Member Section:

* View/edit your profile
* Upgrade your account step by step from level 0 to 1, from level 1 to 2 and so on.
* View your downlines
* Contact your direct referrals
* Download section
* Support (ticket based) section

With this script it's real easy to set up and change all your graphics to the way
that best works for you!

Requirements: Unix/Linux Hosting, PHP 4.0 or higher, cPanel, Mysql Database Support

( This script does not come header, footer, back ground
and advertising banners. )

To see members area
User Name: Admin / Password: admin

Admins Login Info: Click here to see admins area
User Name: Admin / Password: admin


Reliable Low cost Web hosting.
Huge Hit Hosting

The Cash Gifting Script comes with $376.00
worth of downloads to help you get started.

Here are the downloads that comes with the Cash Gifting Script
You can keep adding more Free downloads as you get them!

Seamlessly maintain different affiliate account details, and easily categorize your IDs in different groups, emails, autoresponders, hosting, the choice is yours! Viral software

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