“Brace Yourself, You Are About To Witness A Never Seen Before Software System That Creates Great Quality And Unique Content From Private Label Articles, Lightening Fast, Using A Unique Easy To Use Systematic Approach.”


"Watch As I Show You How To Create Your Own Online Content Product Production Line Quickly, Painlessly and Efficiently Allowing You To Profit From Many Income Streams All At The Same Time."



From:   Thomas Belknap


Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,


I knew I needed unique content and articles to make a successful business online.  I really didn’t want to spend the time researching and creating new content from scratch when I could be doing other pleasurable things like hanging out at the beach.  I decided to start buying private label content with the intention of rewriting it.

Once I purchased some private label articles, I found that I hated rewriting the articles.  Truthly, I found rewriting private label articles to be a major pain in the ***.  It took a long time and I was seriously bored.  I hated hiring other people to rewrite because it took time for me to train them in how I wanted the articles.

  • Fact 1:   Most people are lazy and will not take the time to use private label content correctly.
  • Fact 2:   Rewriting private label content is time consuming.
  • Fact 3:   Good quality content is crucial to being successful in internet marketing.
  • Fact 4:   Article spinners normally produce garbage non-readable content.
  • Fact 5:   You tend to go through a lot of rewriters when outsourcing making training a time consuming process.

I took my software and analyst skills to create a systematic approach to rewriting private label articles.  By creating a system to rewrite private label articles, you will be able to easily and quickly turn out original content that those search engines just love.  Think about the traffic you will get off of these articles just because they are quality and original.

Let me introduce you to my system.

Tiger Article Rewriter

This system makes training your outsourcing article writers a breeze.  You will never have to worry about going though a lot of writers again. Send them over your PLR articles, send them the software and tell them to watch the video.  Sit and wait for a truckload of articles and new content come to your inbox.  Submit those articles and watch your bank account get fat.  If you are really lazy like me, you will get those article rewriters to submit them to article directories and blogs for you, leaving your day to work on your sun tan.


"Reuse The Same Original Article In Many Ways To Create Loads Of Cash."


There are many ways to profit from private label articles. The key to making these articles profitable is rewriting them to make them unique. By using Tiger Article Rewriter, you can create multiple revisions of the original article at the same time allowing access to many profit streams. Think of the different profit streams that you can tap into when you start rewriting those articles. I can normally create 5 - 6 new versions in about 15 minutes or less using Tiger Article Rewriter. With that amount of fresh new content I can profit in several ways.

    • Add rewritten articles to your newsletters.
    • Submit more posts to your blog with unique content written from PLR articles.
    • Combine rewritten articles into a ebook for higher sales.
    • Pull hungry customers into your sales funnel by submitting to article directories.
    • Package articles together to sell to other internet marketers.
    • Create a autoresponder series with affiliate links from private label articles.


"Earn Fast Cash Now While You Build Your Internet Empire."


Cashflow is essential to business, especially growing your business. We all need money to pay for domains, graphics, sales pages, web hosting and so on. You can quickly and easily start making money now by rewriting articles for other marketers. Load up some private label articles, follow the easy steps outlined below and then you have unique, quality articles you can sell for fast cash.


"Tiger Article Rewriter makes unique content creation easy and fast in only a few steps."


Step One Open up a new article rewrite project and select the original private label article

New Template







Step TwoType in the keyword you want to target and hyperlink address.







Step ThreeAdd the number of articles you want to create by clicking the add button.

Add Rewrite Templates





Step FourRewrite a new paragraph for each of the text boxes below.  Click the right arrow key to load the next paragraph until you reach the end of the document.

Rewrite Paragraphs





Step FiveClicking the rewrite tabs on the top will show you the finished rewritten articles. 

You can edit them, spell check, add or change hyperlinks, save the article in many formats and check your document statistics including keyword count and keyword density. 




Right ArrowComplaint 1: Will I need to actually work?

Yes, you will still need to write the content. You do want original and good quality don't you? If not then what is the point of doing articles? By using Tiger Article Rewriter, the painful rewriting process will be easier and more productive. Better still, hire someone to rewrite them for you. Give them the software, show them the video and let them do all the rewrites for you. This is the only way to be lazy in my opinion.


Right ArrowComplaint 2: Why don't I just use Open Office Or Word?

Yes, that is always an option if you got the patience and a lot of time. I think about it this way. I could use Notepad to create web pages or I could make them faster and easier using a program like Dreamweaver.


Right ArrowComplaint 3: Why don't I just use a article spinner to create articles?

Yes, that is certainly an option if you want garbage articles and wonder why you are not making money on the internet like your competition is. The name of the game is quality. The search engines love quality, the article directories love quality and your customers love quality. Stand out and be recognized as someone who knows what they are talking about and delivers quality.



CAUTION: This is not a spinner program; you will actually need to write the content.  This gives you a systematic approach to rewriting private label articles speeding up the process allowing you more time to expand your business.  Tiger Rewriter takes a tedious process and makes it lightening fast and more efficient.  Not only that, but it saves you a lot of time training others to take over this process.




If you’re serious about making money online, then you don’t have a choice but to purchase now. You can start making fast cash and drive loads of traffic to your websites all for a small payment of $47.00. 

Click Here To Buy Now

System Requirements: Windows 2000 or higher.


Still not convinced? 



Take a look at the software in action and see for yourself how powerful this software will be to your business.


Click on the image to start the video.







Thomas Belknap
Tiger Article Rewriter Creator and User



P.S. Time to take your business seriously. Start creating systems in your business that is easily duplicated so you can grow as big as you want.